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Elijahandthememers (12830)
Joined 2019-05-20
The dankest meme nonprofit ever, producing the most memes than any other group account, lead by president elijahdamemer
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4-Square Political Compass in fun
0 ups, 4y
Yeah.... um charter schools strike me as pretty libright, maybe even catholic schools as both of those are for profit or charity funded at least to an extent
4-Square Political Compass in fun
2 ups, 4y
Libleft is more like “worship the collective” and libright is more like “worship myself”. Libright really isn’t associated with Christianity, ever actually go to an Ancap forum, subreddit, etc? You’ll find people of every belief and lifestyle
Guinness World Record in fun
1 up, 4y
My penis hurts in fun
0 ups, 5y
The toilet seat has pp disease
The computer can’t be lyin doe in repost
0 ups, 5y
This isn’t a repost I just said it was because I ran out of fun submissions 😳😎😤