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EdwardLincoln (10694)
Joined 2015-02-10
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The Fifth of November in politics
2 ups, 5mo
If you aren't from the US you may not know, but the Presidential Election falls on November 5. I thought I could use a modified version of this old British rhyme to remind people to vote!
Missile Toad in fun
0 ups, 3y
crying peter parker in fun
1 up, 3y
That sort of thing actually really worried me when I was a kid. Although technically our sun won't go will just expand into a red giant and swallow the Earth, if that makes people feel better.
Two Buttons in fun
0 ups, 3y
Jerome Powell has no control over government spending. That's controlled by Congress.
WE DID IT!!!!!!!!!!! in fun
0 ups, 4y
Does anyone recognize where that is?