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EdeltrautFeuerglut (2871)
Joined 2020-04-06
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Twitter users be like: in fun
1 up, 3y
That looks like a va**na on the last images.
The future probably in fun
0 ups, 3y
You all are missing a little point:
World war did not start because of invating Poland. At that point no one cared about. Hitler invaded more countries, like France (you know, that "Surrender French") and austria, further more the Netherlands and attacked Great Britain, also Hitlers Submarines were cruising in front of USA's doorsteps. The USA enterend the "european" war after german submarine attacked and destroyed a US business ship with a lot of civilians on it.
Of course the same time, Japan was slauthering China, Musolini (italy) and Franco (spain) where slaughtering there own people and helping out each other fascist dictators.
Hitler and Stalin had a "not attack treaty" and, again germany, attacked russia. This was the point.

So you see: it was more germany attacking all surrounding countries.
Hmm... Maybe... when germans do not like to have weapons and do not like to have military, they have a reason.
The future probably in fun
1 up, 3y
Have not done it in 70 years? May be you were sleeping the past 70 years:
Germany is the 3rd biggest manufacturer and seeler of weapons:
1. USA
2. Russia
3. Germany
Germany is delivering weapons to ALL of the world, to near 40 wars that are fought right now, all over the world and OF COURSE, to all sides of a war.
Distracted Boyfriend in fun
0 ups, 3y
There is not, but if there was one, be sure that Apple would make a better one with 50% more remote control.
And: We are in the 21st century, there is no kind of microchip that we are not able to construct.
And, already, there are nanobots realized that hunt down for cancer cells in humans blood.
Microchips are and nanotechnology are no rocket sience anymore. Well also rocket sience is no rocket sience anymore...
that make sense in fun
1 up, 3y
So the One Piece is something to eat?