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EchosOfFreedom (21434)
Joined 2019-03-05
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Fact checking in politics
1 up, 2y
If politicians do things wrong, IS there accountability and punishment?
Funny how THAT is the subject that's "too far" for you.
Fact checking in politics
1 up, 2y
So you're corrupt as well?
So you're lying to everyone also?
Government is worried about money and employees.
Making it a business, not a government.
We might have a say who goes in, but after that, where is the ACTUAL accountability?
Fact checking in politics
1 up, 2y
But I am smart enough to know the government looks out for themselves.
Do you have parental issues?
Is that why you trust them so much?
Because government would NEVER lie or do anything bad against the public, right?
Fact checking in politics
1 up, 2y
As soon as people labeled me "conspiracy theorist" for asking questions, I knew that this was targeted at sheep.
Where did it come from?
Why does no one care where it comes from?
Why were the elderly intentionally exposed to it?
Why was someone who wants to depopulate through vaccines involved?
But I suppose it's easier to bury your head in the sand and blame the unvaxxed.
Asking questions means holding people accountable for their actions and that's too much work for many
Fact checking in politics
1 up, 2y
It's easy to understand.
Those who questioned government and motives were labeled "conspiracy theorists" by the sheep who blindly obeyed what they're told to do.