You are correct but it is a prevailing myth within Atheistic circles that removing religion will cause science and reasoning to prosper forth. Paying attention to current events the decline of Christianity in the west has been met with the rest of the planet seemly going insane.
A story of unobserved imagined evolutionary changes you believe happened isn't science. The evidence you have is the belief it happened. Faith isn't without evidence it's based on it as you are displaying with the belief that the story you have shared is true because we observe this & that combined with how you have been told to think & your personal bias to ignore & dismiss what you don't agree with as seen in your rant about Hovind. Aron Ra literally prays to satan so perhaps quote one not so religious. Science is not determined by who you like to listen to or agree with.
A day is based on the rotation of the earth not daylight.
Existence popping out of nowhere doesn't make sense that is magic. sophisticated and complex things only come from a mind and existence is sophisticated and complex from the moment it begins. A ever existing intelligence source is required.
There is enough water already on the earth to flood it.
The meme is how I think you examine anything that would disagree with your views.
You gave me your beliefs & a story not science & no I can't observe the original creation just like you can't observe evolution. We both accept our views by faith. You are just in denial of that fact. You don't care about evidence.