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Dragoniteguy (27587)
Joined 2020-12-03
great memes. mostly about pokemon
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Even pokemon go... in fun
0 ups, 1y
i got a both shiny woopers on commday. and i got a combined total of 14 woopers and a shiny dedenne that i named Bonnie on wooper community day.
you will NOT believe what I just randomly found in pokemon go. I caught a zygarde in potatos_island
0 ups, 1y
i got a zygarde too. took me about 2 days to get it. wait... i think it did. 2 or 3 days. but i named it Squishy. after the zygarde cell bonnie found in the x and y series. but im stuck on the research now... i cant follow 3 routes seeing as either i can follow it and im too slow on the final pokestop, or i can follow it and i cant get to the end seeing as it just isnt on my route.
Untitled Image in rareinsults
1 up, 1y
i like escape by rupert holmes(the pina colada song) it a nice song
Ash Ketchum is Real! in Pokemon_stream
1 up, 2y
ASH THANKED US!!! im crying. this is enough to make me cry, and yet iron man, black widow, and yondu udonta dieing wasnt enough. i almost cried when they died and yet im crying now. ash is gone and i lost a piece of myself. i want to follow his adventures again. but i cant. sad.
People will say it's too early for Halloween memes, I think not (◔‿◔) in fun
0 ups, 2y
yup. she hot. i wanna date her. lol. tho ive never dated before. but i might trick and treat her. and then do other stuff with her.