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Darlin1111 (361111)
Joined 2015-09-25
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Oh my... in fun
1 up, 1y
This is one of the first memes that I made... I still think that the image is perfect for the words...
Poor Murphy... in fun
1 up, 2y
We were going through the carwash at the 76 Station... I'd sprung for the "deluxe" package so it was longer than he was used to... When the soap hits the windshield, this is the look that he gets...
True Story... in politics
0 ups, 3y
Probably many people by now, it's been all over the news the past few days...
Cauliflower waffles?!?! in fun
0 ups, 3y
I didn't know... Thanks for the info... I truly do not like waffles... I'll bet that I haven't eaten one in over 40 years... lol...
Some people... in politics
1 up, 3y
She is such a moron...