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Darkleo96 (1079)
Joined 2018-09-28
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Does this look like a sea serpent to you?! in fun
0 ups, 5y
In Yu-gi-oh every serpentine-like or reptilian-like sea predator is considered sea serpent. Orcas have serpentine bodies. Also eels which are fishes and not reptiles like Kairyu-shin are sea serpents.
True Snake training in fun
0 ups, 5y
I forgot to submit it in an other post.
pokémon logic in fun
0 ups, 5y
However i keep using Wailord and i've one with high CPS and 90% ivs. It's a cool addition to gyms a lot
Pokémon Remakes in fun
0 ups, 6y
OR/AS is good only for the pokedex, but graphics and remake were awful. RSE were masterpieces, instead.
Pokémon Remakes in fun
0 ups, 6y
For me LGPE like you can see in the picture, because the difference of Battle System and the presence of only 1st gen pokemons made it worst than OR/AS, which at least had good pkmns like new megas and archeoforms and traditional battle s.