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DarkMatterton (261)
Joined 2016-03-04
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College Liberal in fun
1 up, 8y
The middle class has been shrinking since the late 80's and you have socialism confused with communism. Taxing the super rich and corporations allows the middle class to grow by covering the cost of healthcare, major expense for families. Helping pay for university degrees, helps built economy and keeps people from 40 years of debt. Ever tried to start a family, buy a house, pay school loans and pay for everyday items like food/utilities/clothes? It also uses these tax monies to pay for roads, bridges, utility systems. Right now the lower and middle classes are footing the bill for all of these healthcare, college, and federal and state level tax resources. Many of our countries most popular services are socialist programs, number one being the Military which spends more money each year on its budget than the next 28 countries do. Social Security services which cover disability and retirement programs. No one is guaranteed a job until retirement or physical health until they no longer working. The military like SS are set up to protect you as a citizen. Look up the Great Depression. Social programs were what made this country great. Our interstate systems and our National Parks came from social programs born for the worst time our country has ever seen. I'm only writing all this because your response had a ting of youth on it. If you are young do some serious research about politics from the last 40 years, like in a book. You might learn something about peoples motives and desires. Bernie has fought for human rights and equality where as most politicians fight for money and greed.
College Liberal in fun
1 up, 8y
This is good, if the passage of time allows you to only remember the things you want to.