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DamonTragicVille (523)
Joined 2023-04-05
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UNO Draw 25 Cards in fun
0 ups, 4mo
Have you heard Cannibal Corpse, Dark Tranquility, KMFDM, Watain, Dark Funeral, Shpongle, or anything similar?
Well That Escalated Quickly in fun
0 ups, 4mo
KKK are Liberals
Tubi Be Like in fun
0 ups, 4mo
Not all movies on Tubi are low quality. Besides its free and you don't need a signup, what did you expect?
Why is this so relatable bro? in fun
0 ups, 8mo
Won the lottery
Giggity Giggity goo! in fun
1 up, 8mo
Under 18 they are legal to date. Under 18 it is legal and it isn't horrible. Its a romantic thing when a teleiophile falls in love with their older counterpart