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Teen with high-functioning autism, gets groomed by FBI to join ISIS... then arrests him...
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Welcome to America's Child Soldier Research. 💙🧩💙
It's called Nazi Asperger's Behavioral Science trials. The process involves drug trials and technology including the internet and satellite experiments. The kids go thru a process of drug applied behavior. Student Shooter Sims are also part of autism child soldier research. These sims are run by police on autistic students who are in fear response drug trials. A North Carolina autistic boy named Justin Sullivan was drugged by a pharma company called ISIS. The drug was manufactured at a local plant called Roche Carolina. We need to get that kids medical records and find out what ADHD Aspergers "meds" he was drugged with. Groomers always use drugs.. A NC kid was drugged with a pill manufactured by ISIS pharma and set up to join ISIS. Hoffman and Roche have always created the drugs used in autism super soldier behavior science. Behavioral science research is behind America's student mass shooter sims. The feds are finally getting exposed for grooming autistic students. Best meme EVER!
#HansAspergersWasAnazi #DaisyNuke