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CyrusLuci (750)
Joined 2023-12-05
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Spoiled brat: in fun
0 ups, 2w
That's just a pirate
Autism cause in fun
1 up, 3mo
I can confirm that as an autistic individual, I found this funny and not offensive
What teachers care most about in fun
0 ups, 3mo
I told my French teacher that there had been rumours about kids vaping in the bathroom, and she said "ok" and walked away as if nothing happened. >:(
isn't it obvious in fun
6 ups, 5mo
I find these funny because they think that by doing something twice you are adding the chances of success, but you're actually just halving them again
ITS A SPOOKY MONTH!!! (BTW am not upvote begging, so plz don't be mean about that plz) in fun
1 up, 5mo
This is a scam! Guys! This makes All Hallow's Eve one day farther every upvote! WE COULD'VE NEVER SEEN THIS COMING!!!