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Crtvfty (26842)
Joined 2022-05-15
This profile was in an era of hate, and I don't like it. I have a Tumblr and Ibis paint account, I don't steal art.
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Genuine Euphoria in Drawings
0 ups, 4d
i misspelled 'you' in 'Now you feel euphoric. Do not panic'
Genuine Euphoria in Drawings
1 up, 5d
whats that?
Cool title in Drawings
1 up, 2mo
apply the glitch filter,
turning the canva 90° in either direction,
saving it,
reopen it,
then apply the glitch filter again. (I use ibis paint)
the glitch filter was the easy part, to be honest.
Cool title in Drawings
0 ups, 2mo
thats the easy part,
apply the glitch filter,
turning the canva 90° in either direction,
saving it,
reopen it,
then apply the glitch filter again. (I use ibis paint)

the hard part was thinking of what to draw, im a writer, not an artist.
Cool title in Drawings
0 ups, 2mo
fixing it in post