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debt slave in politics
0 ups, 5y
The DEFINITON of slavery is: SUBMISSION to a dominating influence. (sounds like debt to me)

The DEFINITION of submission is: the condition of being SUBMISSIVE, humble, or COMPLIANT.

The DEFINITION of submissive is: SUBMITTING to OTHERS.

The DEFINITION of submitting is: to PERMIT oneself to be SUBJECTED to something.
: to YIELD oneself to the AUTHORITY or WILL of ANOTHER.
: to defer to or CONSENT to abide by the opinion or AUTHORITY of ANOTHER.

Looks like a ton of choice to me. Now I know you are an expert on the topic so I probably don't need to tell you that there is a long history of people selling themselves INTO slavery to pay DEBTS, and even slaves buying their freedom. Two more examples of slaves having choice.

The Bible says "The rich rules over the poor, And the borrower becomes the lender's slave." (Prov. 22:7.) sounds like DEBT=SLAVERY

Now I know all this defining and back and forth is a game, and I enjoy playing it from time to time. The word SLAVERY has TRIGGERED you and you are doing what you are trained to do. Unfortunately I quickly grow tired of the FAKE OUTRAGE and VIRTUE SIGNALING, and it is to damn hot around here to be dealing with SNOWFLAKES. I am sure that no matter what i say you will always get the last word. So have at it. Everyone knows that DEBT=SLAVERY and it is not even controversial.

By the way I did a quick little poll of about 30 people I know, and none of them can remember the last time they said "mortgage debt" they just call it their "mortgage." I know the "industry" says and you just have to google it. BORING.

One more question before I move on from this conversation.
Is death not a choice?
Seems like you do always have a choice.

In case you are wondering at no time during this conversation was I wearing a mask. l live on the edge, and am immune to fake flu's and fear mongering. Just thought I would let you know for your safety.

Keep calm and Troll on.

Thanks for you comment.
God Bless.
debt slave in politics
0 ups, 5y
I guess we should go one by one.

"Debt is slavery and part of how the Commies are taking over America?"

That is a true statement. We are off to a good start.

"Well, we got politicians like Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren offering controls on how we get into debt and ways of forgiving that debt."

There idea is to take away freedom of choice (controls), and stealing money from other people to pay off other peoples debt (forgiving),

"No, see that's communism. You're supposed to work your way out of your slavery yourself."

Exactly. Free yourself then you owe nothing to no one. you will truly be free.

Your indoctrination is thorough, but I like your spunk. You are developing a nice troll game. Keep it up.

Thanks for your comment.
God Bless
debt slave in politics
0 ups, 5y

A Mortgage means you are purchasing a home, or another words an investment.
Credit card debt means you bought something on credit or with money you do not have.
Student loan debt means some one gave you a piece of paper that told you exactly how much money you would be borrowing. Then you could take that information and make a decision on if the amount was worth the degree you were pursuing.
So mortgage = Investment = good idea.
Credit card = beyond your means = bad idea.
Student loan = maybe good maybe bad = case by case.

I dont think I have heard anyone say mortgage debt.

Thanks for your comment.
God Bless
True symbol of freedom, and diversity in politics
0 ups, 5y
Hey Bruh,

New name, I like it.

I don't want to come off as a jerk, because you have been so civil, but you do realize your argument against the grammys not being racist was to list a bunch of white folks (i am assuming a skrillex is a white person) who have won a ton of trophy's and then list one black who should have one more but didn't.

I think it is just a simple case of you out trolling yourself. I believe you trolled so hard that you actually trolled yourself. Very impressive. Your troll game is strong.

Now if you want to defend the Grammys and try to convince the world of their purity, by all means have at it. But assuming you have an internet connection a quick search on the racist grammys will yield a ton of info.

Now why would I be super racist if I thought the music industry was rigged towards black artists. Its rigged against them. Thats why they are RACIST. You have trolled yourself into a pretzel, and now you don't even know what side of the argument you are on.

Well it was good to hear from you. Love the new name I am sure there is a great story behind it.

Keep calm and troll on

Thanks for your comment.
God Bless.
debt slave in politics
0 ups, 5y
The people who are already in debt can choose to get out of debt. It just takes some effort. Personal responsibility, self discipline, education, commitment, and work ethic.

How do you free someone who chooses to be a slave?

If someone "freed" someone else from debt. Do they not OWE their "freedom" to the person who freed them. Exchanging one debt for another is not freedom.

Do it yourself, and owe no one. Then you can truly be free.

Thanks for your comment.
God Bless.