Read up on Operation Warp Speed and the pharmacy companies that participated. Read up on millions more than normal dead in Africa because of a world economic depression caused from Covid-19 lockdowns. Read up on how many times Dr. Fauci has reversed his own policies on Covid.
Typical time to get a vaccine created is 2-4 years. Trump got it done in less than a year. None of your career politicians like Biden would ever be able to cut through all the red tape to get it done in that timeframe. You can stop pretending you pay attention to politics. You hate Trump. You just hate him.
While Orwell was a democratic socialist he also saw the dangers of socialism. Animal Farm shows us this when the pigs become just as oppressive as the humans. Trump greatly expanded his Latino base because of the Democrats preaching socialism. While a lot of Caucasians think of Europe when they hear socialism, many Latinos and Asians think of socialist dictatorships that they fled from when coming to America. One of Trump's accomplishments was revealing to the world just how unashamedly left the media has become.