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ClaireFriend1 (7)
Joined 2024-09-09
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buzz lightyear was at 9/11 in fun
0 ups, 5mo
my father lost friends in the 9/11 and nearly 3000 people died that day in fact the photo shows the moment United 175 hit the south tower and my father's friend Al Marchand lost his life along with who knows how many other poor souls. ...may they rest in peace
fr in fun
0 ups, 5mo
my dad is a retired 777 captain for United and that plane in the video is (or was) United 175 my dad's friend Al Marchand was on that plane... dad was out on a flight when all this happened and from 9am to 3am we had no idea where he was this was a very traumatic day for my family and for all of America
911 9/11 twin towers impact in fun
0 ups, 5mo
my father is a retired United 777 pilot and he lost co-workers on both united aircraft... that ball of fire coming out of the tower in the photo is (or was) United 175 my dad's friend Al Marchand died in that fireball he also knew the captain dad was out on a flight when this happened and from 9am to 3am we had no idea where he was.... we did't know he was safe in Germany for hours it was a very traumatic day for my family