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CircularReason (4664)
Joined 2015-11-30
Absurdly happy person.
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stimulus package tsunami in politics
0 ups, 2y
this aged well. Happy 2023, Bidenflation!
Corruption is far better than communism -- David Horowitz in fun
0 ups, 8y
I do like Sanders as person and respect him as a human being. But his warmed-over communist policies from 50 years ago would not bring about the utopia you dream of. So my apologies to the Bernie folks for having him next to Clinton -- it was David Horowitz who made the comparison between B. Clinton and Sanders.
Inigo Montoya in fun
0 ups, 8y
In response to the FBI/CIA "assessing" that Russia interfered with our democratic process.
Cute kittie, harsh truth in fun
1 up, 9y
Today thus far? Or today total?