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Christ_Lightning (57124)
Joined 2022-06-14
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Bernie I Am Once Again Asking For Your Support in MEMES_OVERLOAD
0 ups, 7mo
Well, it's 100x better than the people who vote for her because "she's a woman" or "she's black" even though she's Indian and decided that she's black 5 years ago
Bernie I Am Once Again Asking For Your Support in MEMES_OVERLOAD
0 ups, 7mo
So basically, the very bare minimum?
UNO Draw 25 Cards in fun
0 ups, 8mo
Believe it or not, one of the Disney executives recently ADMITTED they stopped hiring white people
Mr. Incredible Becoming Uncanny Extended HD in repost
0 ups, 8mo
Atleast they haven't gone electric tho, LOOKING AT YOU, MUSTANG
Mr. Incredible Becoming Uncanny Extended HD in repost
0 ups, 8mo
I just find the 1984 ones to be the least appealing and just not that pretty of a car