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Cava07 (13128)
Joined 2020-02-14
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asdfmovie8 minute 0:19 in fun
1 up, 2y
bro, why do you have an half swastika as your profile picture
Woke af in politics
0 ups, 2y
ok, gender is what you identify as, but when archeologist will find our death bodies, you are a men, or a female. So there are 2 genders
Well it looks horrible but it is not a lie in fun
0 ups, 3y
*bell peppers
Well it looks horrible but it is not a lie in fun
1 up, 3y
in italian they are called "fette di salame", pepperoni are like peppers but with an extra "b"
Extra-Hell in fun
0 ups, 3y
i'm italian, for me this is a big offense, please change the "bad" with "good"