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Capitalist_Scum (18774)
Joined 2020-06-21
Logic over lunacy
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Meanwhile on Fox news in fun
1 up, 5y
If you look at the bottom left of the top picture, you'll realize it's not THE Fox News you're thinking of. It's a local station.
BLM is irrational 4 in politics
1 up, 5y
He never said he'd wipe out a community. Kyle worked in Kenosha as a lifeguard and volunteered to clean graffiti off the local high school. There's video of him stating he was in Kenosha to help people. Use facts next time.
FBI OPEN UP!!!!11111!1!1!1!! in fun
3 ups, 5y
Tik Tok is owned by the Communist Chinese Government. That's the problem.
Systemically racist Kamala Harris in politics
0 ups, 5y
Socialism 103 in politics
0 ups, 5y