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CaitlinHZD (16429)
Joined 2022-06-04
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Now I better not hear any bedrock hate in SCP
0 ups, 7mo
It's anything except a PC or phone but you can also get it on pc
2 bingos. in NeurodivergentsUnite
0 ups, 9mo
The taking things literally isn't wrong, but it's so frequently misinterpreted. I understand figurative language fine, but I'll answer the question neurotypicals asked, not the question they think they asked
Just pay attention in fun
0 ups, 10mo
My 6th grade class: *learning about diabetes*
Me: *mentions my nana's dog has diabetes*
Five. Different. People, AFTER I said that: So CaN aNiMaLs HaVe DiAbEtEs?