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Untitled Image in politics
0 ups, 2y
The heavens declare the glory of God.
What more evidence do you need?
Untitled Image in politics
0 ups, 2y
Watch a Voddie Baucham YouTube video. Listen to 4 hours of J. Vernon McGee audio recordings on YouTube. Listen to 5 hours of Dr. Donald Barnhouse sermons. Watch 3 hours of John MacArthur videos. Read the Book of Jude ('Judas' in the Greek named after Jesus' half-brother Judas, but the early church changed it to Jude in English so people would not erroneously think that the Holy Spirit had used the traitor Iscariot to write it. It's only ONE PAGE. That's why I recommend it for you.
The immensely ignorant exegesis you employ indicates a lack of ability in Biblical Hermeneutics, so I don't want to suggest any heavy reading that is beyond your limited ability in reading comprehension.
Untitled Image in politics
Untitled Image in politics
0 ups, 2y
Read the two-volume set 'Evidence That Demands a Verdict' by Josh McDowell. Read 'The Reliability of Scripture' by F.F. Bruce.
You confuse religion with a relationship with the eternally existent Creator.
Untitled Image in politics
0 ups, 2y
You don't believe in God, yet you hold God to human standards thereby elevating yourself--your opinion what you have said as opposed to what God 'hath said'-above that of God. You don't even realize that you are assuming authority to dictate unto the rest of society what is good and what is evil--believing yourself to be as a god.
When you presume to be as a god knowing good and evil and believe yourself to be in possession of the authority to dictate unto the rest of society what is right and what is wrong you assume the position of a dictator. Such is the nature of Materialist/Humanists such as yourself. In the past 100 plus years if we look at Stalin, Hitler, Mao, and Pol Pot how many hundreds of millions have died by Fascist dictators of your ilk who presume to possess the authority to tell the rest of society what is right and what is wrong, (always for the rest of society to obey but never they themselves!), and then of course to legislate their dictates to be the law. (That prediliction of the Fascists like yourself is explained in the book 'The Law: A Blueprint for a Just Society' by Fredric Bastiat.)
The evidence I have is firstly, that the heavens declare the glory of God. What I mean by that is that if you embrace the Materialist's absurd 'Big Bang' theory then you are embracing a fairy tale that maintains that Long ago and far away Nothing exploded Nowhere, (for no space/time, matter, or energy is postulated to have existed prior to their 'Big Bang' by that theory. In other words, they maintain that space/time, matter, and energy came into existence in their 'Big Bang')
That's ridiculous!
Go to Answers in Genesis. Google it. Then there's the evidence of prophecy within the biblical Text. There's no getting around it! Watch Chuck Missler's 'Electric Universe' video on YouTube.
There's my personal evidence that God changed a wretch like me. I am a New Creature in Christ Jesus. He has changed the desires of my heart. I am now a born from above spiritually regenerated Child of God.
I don't know how you make it through a day in this world without God.
Additionally, there's a paperback I found fascinating written by a doctor who was the physician to a U.S. president and an Emergency Room physician for some 40 odd years titled 'Beyond Death's Door' by Maurice Rollings or Rowlings.
He presents empirical evidence for the existence of a human spirit or soul if you please. He interviewed near death survivors.