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Do what you want with this :) in fun
0 ups, 3w
Thank you! I made it while I was supposed to do homework. :)
Pokémon in fun
0 ups, 3w
As a Pokemon Go player, I can confirm this is true. Once, I was walking in a park, and there was a river. There was a pokestop right in the center of the river, and someone simply walked out on the air to get within reach of it, but when he turned off his phone, he fell to the water. he made t out and told us it was worth it, for he had that coin bag that summons thoughts little coin guys, and it was a shiny perfect one.
Biggest crossover ever made (took a long time to piece it together and still had an extra one) in gaming
0 ups, 1mo
lol, you made a mistake adding Kirby. we all know that thing is a god-killing menace that can solo no matter what. but where Toodles from Mickey Mouse Club House cause he is the only one that can stand a chance aginst Kirby
Man wtf in fun
0 ups, 1mo
lol so true man, but the thing is that I'm good friends with my crush and some of her friends, so I just end up hanging out with them sometimes.