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Bored_Like_A_Board (51561)
Joined 2023-01-18
Hi im bored like a board stop reading, start scrolling
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Now I wait for the LGBT in fun
0 ups, 5mo
why you assume im trans bro
Now I wait for the LGBT in fun
0 ups, 5mo
its fine bro lmfao
Now I wait for the LGBT in fun
2 ups, 6mo
since i last checked you dont run the world so go back to your all white middle school and maybe read a book for once
Now I wait for the LGBT in fun
1 up, 6mo
ok hb we bring you up to speed with the world mkay? the US isn't the centre of the universe and there aren't other states but acc countries, who knew? while you small alabama southern country town stayed living in the 70's, we are in 2024 where ppl are finally more understanding and your "brilliant nation" has fallen to shit. you can still assume that people are human and trans people aren't a US exclusive they exist all over the planet so don't stick your greasy nose where it doesn't belong and keep your dumb, grammarless, insensitive opinions to yourself