American schools spend 20k-50k per student depending where you're at. Private schools cost from 5-15k per crumb cruncher. And way more for the super elite celebrity schools. It isn't a lack of funding, its corruption, cronyism, and graft. The money never makes it out of the school administration building. It doesn't go to maintain schools, teachers, or books. It's sucked up by a buddy "contractor" of some admin, city counselee, city Board of education, etc...who donates to the right reelection funds.
um Trump was charged with a pumped up clerical error, while Mandela was a violent street revolutionary that actually burned people alive in street tires. These two ppls legal charges are not remotely comparable.
of course they did
just like you cant buy hurricane/flood insurance once the season starts
no giant conspiricy here...they looked out the window and saw entire area covered in dry kindeling and said...hhmmmmm no