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BobbyTheJenkins (4225)
Joined 2022-08-18
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COVID-19 vaccines in a nutshell in fun
0 ups, 2y
idk how to put in other streams, aren't there only like 8 streams or something, (1 of which one of my friends told me about that is like private or something)
1 Trillion COVID IQ moment in fun
0 ups, 2y
My condolences, but if she doesn't have underlying health risks, isn't old and isn't overweight, it is a statistical outlier.
1 Trillion COVID IQ moment in fun
0 ups, 2y
Fair point, but you don't need to lock down an entire country just to protect a small demographic group that is at risk from the disease. COVID-19 only really affected old people, fat people and people with under-lying health problems. Locking down healthy people who statisically at risk from a virus, generally isn't a great idea particulary if it causes other adverse health risks.
Monsters Inc. predicted Covid in fun
0 ups, 2y
Lmao I don't know how fouchi isn't in prison, but the disease isn't totally harmless, it can kill a lot of people (just because they are stupidly fat and cannot control their own diet)
does anyone else understand this in fun
0 ups, 2y
why is this relatable