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BlueSpoonRanger (22292)
Joined 2020-03-16
Rudeness is the weak man's imitation of strength. - Eric Hoffer
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Daddy Dearest in politics
2 ups, 4y
The irony of your comment is indicative of your level of comprehension. I have a much better idea of what both of those two Sith are like than you ever will about what I'm like. Have a nice day. 😁
Daddy Dearest in politics
2 ups, 4y
Hilla Ren and Palpatine Soros
Trumping Irony in politics
2 ups, 5y
Nice attempt at evading the question, especially considering you know nothing about me. Obvious troll is obvious.
Trumping Irony in politics
2 ups, 5y
So, are you saying voter fraud isn't lying? Because that's what this meme is about, and the hypocrisy involved.
Ignorance is Deadly in fun
0 ups, 5y
What's the number for 911?