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BigPun (5433)
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Vaxxer Logic in politics
0 ups, 4y
Keep eating those berries, bro.
Vaxxer Logic in politics
0 ups, 4y
Wait, so, let me get this straight. You see a video of someone who gets vaccinated and ends up with GBS or BP, or other neurological disorder within 24 hours of the shot, then you demand proof?

Okay, Dilbert.
Vaxxer Logic in politics
0 ups, 4y
Prove that they don't. Too bad for you, there's no real data to speak of that backs your propaganda up.
Vaxxer Logic in politics
0 ups, 4y
Right, because there aren't hundreds of videos of people dying post-vaccination.
Notta Racist in politics
0 ups, 5y
I understand why some would think they were protecting themselves, but then there are the facts. The fact is that none of those protesters stepped foot on their property. That road was part of the "gated community," owned by the housing authority, not those two in particular. Those protesters were there, heading to the mayor's house, who also lives in that gated community.

It would have been one thing for those two to have stepped onto their porch, showing that they were armed, but it's something else quite entirely, and in fact illegal, for them to be pointing their guns at a group of people who aren't trespassing on their property.

Those two people have zero authority over the housing authority's property, which is what the protesters were on.

I'd even argue that those people have a right to enter the premises given that the mayor lives there and the protesters have a constitutional right to assemble to address grievances.

At any rate, I completely understand the other side of the argument and I won't even say that it's wrong - y'all just "see" the situation differently than others. I just think those two people looked absolutely ridiculous. The woman with that gun clearly had never used it or been trained to use it, as you can tell given her stance, posture, and method of holding the weapon.