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Betatester7789 (24992)
Joined 2022-03-08
"It's just a prank bro!" -Mussolini, July 25th 1943
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You should listen to dire dire docks theme in fun
0 ups, 1y
Yep, what a great song. From when I was born to 5 years old, I watched my dad play Mario 64. I love the song. It's so beautiful, relaxing and calm unlike many other songs in SM64, not saying that the other songs are bad.
WHYYY in fun
0 ups, 2y
Why kyrgyzstan why
:( in fun
0 ups, 2y
Nah bruh its just an illusion cause everybody thinks it was perfect then its just that we didnt know the world back then.
hey mom look at thi- in fun
0 ups, 2y
anime girl go to hell
5tH gRaDe YoU sHoUlD bE aShAmEd oF yOuRsElF!1!1 in School_Sucks
0 ups, 2y
I know how you feel, The thing that they do with 6th grade is probably nothing compared to that.