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Ayman72 (976)
Joined 2015-09-19
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Gamers in fun
0 ups, 9y
Gamers should be disliking this one pretty quickly. Makes the point herein even funnier and more accurate actually.
name fail 1 in fun
0 ups, 9y
lol yup
Fatmeme1 in fun
0 ups, 9y
Fatmeme1 in fun
0 ups, 9y
Lighten up. These are memes and in no way shape mine or most people's actual personal views. Secondly, This meme was in regards to THAT particular woman. Had it been any other woman, be she a "dumb blonde" or a "crazy red-head" or whatever other stereotype...and the responses to the initial post in that picture been the same, my meme would have probably been the same as well. Thirdly that you troll these pages and make assumptions about me or any other person and get mad with regards to people's PERSONAL PREFERENCES makes you look foolish to most people on these pages. Finally, that you seem to fail to understand the very definition of the word "PREFERENCE" and that you get mad that my preferences don't include a certain thing (that perhaps YOU may prefer), makes your that photo above a perfect meme redesign. You don't know me, or what I prefer. I may be obese myself, I may actually like a voluptuous woman (the fact that I used that word and not "fat" should hopefully give you a hint). On my page here, either lighten up, or go troll another wall.
Fatmeme1 in fun
0 ups, 9y