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AuDHDad (18061)
Joined 2020-05-10
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#ADHDMedsShortage in Adhd_Club
0 ups, 10mo
Posting from the UK, whole country has the shortage now
When the ADHD meds shortage hits... in Adhd_Club
0 ups, 10mo
All over the UK, been building up for months
ADHD vs autism, decisions decisions in Adhd_Club
0 ups, 1y
Haha sorry dude, I think I just did the 'literal' thing
ADHD vs autism, decisions decisions in Adhd_Club
0 ups, 1y
You try different meds, there's a few options, don't get stuck on the first one they give you if it's no good - ask to try a different dosage or a different meds
Untitled Image in Adhd_Club
0 ups, 1y
Meh you stole this