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AnitaClark (5548)
Joined 2021-02-05
66 Featured Images
278 Creations

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Rose templatemusic notes templateChickadee in Tree templateBaseball birthday templateLips kiss templateBirthday Truck template

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Happy Birthday Sue in fun
0 ups, 2y
To make them available for search to others...I do not care about getting numbers of views or whatever this upvote thing is on here. I use this as a graphic tool.
Happy Birthday Stacey in fun
0 ups, 3y
A friend of mine. I use imgflip to make custom birthday messages for my friends. I share them in case someone else wants to have a birthday wish for a friend that has the same name.
ChristmasPeace in fun
0 ups, 3y
Approval neither desired nor required from you UpvoteBeggarDetector... I do not understand this statement from you nor why you would feel the need to express it. Are you implying something towards me?
ChristmasPeace in fun
1 up, 3y
Thank you.