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AlbertWesker1996 (7389)
Joined 2022-10-01
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Saddame Huessin is the Palastinian President in fun
0 ups, 4w
Bro just saying Palestinian babies are killed when a Israeli was killed and the Hamas people locked there coffin and they had to check the coffin for bombs 💀
Saddame Huessin is the Palastinian President in fun
0 ups, 4w
Calling Israeli terrorists when Palestinians are too?

Your comments are embarrassing 💀
Saddame Huessin is the Palastinian President in fun
0 ups, 4w
Says the schizo who probably lives in his mom's basement who needs a life LMAO 🤣🤣
Saddame Huessin is the Palastinian President in fun
0 ups, 4w
Bro now being hypocritical when he can't understand the fact there are also dead Israeli kids and mothers, your a typical clown wanting energy Quantum
Saddame Huessin is the Palastinian President in fun
1 up, 4w
God don't even bloody exist, it's fictional AF, plus all reglion follow false non-existent profits XD 🤣