I am not obligated to believe in let alone worship someone who refuses to provide evidence of his existence. You keep claiming I wouldn't believe when I say I would provided sufficient evidence, that doesn't mean I would worship him since I would refuse to worship a god who clearly is a dick. In any case why do you pretend to know anything about me?
That's awesome and you already know that Odin exist even if you deny it. Do you really not see the ridiculousness of that statement?
Everyone knows My God exist because it says so in this book that tells me about my god! Yet there are countless atheist like myself, Hindus, Buddhist, Wiccans etc... That entirely reject the premise that your god exists. So were all lying and your the only honest person I take it? If I knew your god existed we would not be having this conversation! Do you not understand that? Why would I actually reject something if I knew of his existence?
It truly seems that you are the one with cognitive dissonance - Christianity literally fits that definition. the state of having inconsistent thoughts, beliefs, or attitudes, especially as relating to behavioral decisions and attitude change.
Ahh, but I would! I am willing to bet it will never happen so it is a pretty moot point to actually be discussing. Have a nice day and Santa bless you.