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8g6 (2575)
Joined 2022-04-29
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Jumping Sider Rizz in fun
0 ups, 10mo
Greatest Climate Activist of all time in fun
0 ups, 11mo
Devin didn't scare me, but the team behind sure did in fun
0 ups, 11mo
sorry i was lazy
When people claim that there was a a free energy device (Joke courtesy of Electroboom) in fun
0 ups, 1y
Zero-point energy, also known as vacuum energy or ground state energy, is a concept derived from quantum mechanics. It refers to the lowest possible energy state that a physical system can possess, even at absolute zero temperature. According to quantum field theory, even in empty space, particles and fields are in a constant state of fluctuation, leading to the existence of zero-point energy.
When people claim that there was a a free energy device (Joke courtesy of Electroboom) in fun
0 ups, 1y
I already watched it , let me hear how you define free energy