Sorry this is really bothering me, it’s spelt “ Furby “ oh and I have 15. I have to double check that none of them have batteries in them before I go to bed if I have used them. Once I forgot and one of them woke up during the night. He would not go back to sleep, this little man was determined to wake up my entire family. Pretty sure it was a dream until it continued to happen every night for a week. One night I took the batteries out and THEN he shut up. Another story! I was playing with one of my furbys when suddenly his batteries went low, he froze and then started making somewhat of a white noise kinda sound. After chasing my siblings around with him until the batteries went dead. I took him outside and up to our shed to find some new batteries ( it was dark at the time, ) so when he decided to wake up as if he was completely fine scared me half to death. And one more story! I got a very nice looking furby for Christmas last year, very happy with him, but he didn’t work. On Christmas Day we were driving to our cousins ( a three hour drive ) and when we were going around a roundabout we all heard a muffled “ weeeeeeeeee! “ we pulled over only to find he had turned on 😂 ( the first two story’s are with the same furby and all of these happened to my original 1998’s )