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-The_Memer- (148836)
Joined 2019-05-09
When I Meme it, I Mean it...
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Get it? in fun
1 up, 4y
wassup mate?
Upvote plz! in begging_for_upvotes
0 ups, 4y
whos the greatest imgflip person that ever lived, me?
Get it? in fun
1 up, 4y
im back
Brian's Black Background in fun
1 up, 5y
Totally agreed brother/sister this message defines all humanity. Its a shame all these rumors and false gossips, that are spread around the media changes all perspectives, and makes us think bad about the world. I believe if messages like this are spread on the media the world would be a more peacefull and harmonic place, for which this message is extremely inspirational, and shares the honest idea of humanity and society as a whole.