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"tiktok" Memes & GIFs

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This is one dumb tiktoker

81,710 views, 927 upvotes, 385 comments

Seriously. Get off that stupid app. It isn't even all.

9,284 views, 224 upvotes, 120 comments

If you know, you most certainly know.

2,969 views, 21 upvotes, 5 comments
1,483 views, 87 upvotes, 17 comments

Who cares about tiktok anyways?

1,890 views, 36 upvotes, 5 comments

There's a reason why I will NEVER EVER use TikTok

by anonymous
18,671 views, 85 upvotes, 9 comments

Tiktok sucks a LOT!!!!!!

26,149 views, 417 upvotes, 205 comments

Psychopaths dancing will always be horrific...

29,730 views, 146 upvotes, 31 comments