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Years, Days | image tagged in charts,bar charts | made w/ Imgflip chart maker
2,726 views, 13 upvotes, 1 comment

People DIE from these trends

People DIE from these trends | Tiktok trends | Dumb and could kill you, Normal | image tagged in charts,bar charts | made w/ Imgflip chart maker
10,642 views, 208 upvotes, 23 comments

kindergarten insults

kindergarten insults | meanest kindergarten insults | "dumb", "ugly", "you're not coming to my birthday party | image tagged in charts,bar charts | made w/ Imgflip chart maker
2,131 views, 8 upvotes, 2 comments
Me when I pour the juice | How much I get, how much my brother gets | image tagged in charts,bar charts | made w/ Imgflip chart maker
1,425 views, 2 upvotes

What Gives People Feelings of Power

What Gives People Feelings of Power | KILLING THAT ONE TRYHARD KID | image tagged in what gives people feelings of power,bar charts,funny,fun,memes,relatable | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
3,198 views, 11 upvotes, 2 comments

Guess how many bars. (reveal at 25 upvotes.)

3,331 views, 29 upvotes, 13 comments
742 views, 2 upvotes

clickbait youtubers be like

3,730 views, 22 upvotes, 1 comment

Roblox is not garbage

505 views, 2 comments
5,722 views, 92 upvotes, 6 comments


125 views, 2 upvotes, 1 comment

The only time I ever swear

by anonymous
8,257 views, 163 upvotes, 12 comments

what kids think are most important

2,008 views, 15 upvotes, 8 comments
1,234 views, 6 upvotes