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Alcatel 1se battery with %? | 1%, 3%, 5%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 100% | image tagged in charts,bar charts | made w/ Imgflip chart maker
280 views, 4 upvotes, 1 comment

What do you see?

What do you see? | If you see orange, you're strong. If you see red, you're smart. If you see both (rare), you have a crush on Shrek.  |  , | image tagged in charts,bar charts,shrek | made w/ Imgflip chart maker
738 views, 3 upvotes, 9 comments
How many days Sylc thought I would be gone (6 hours), How long I was gone (3+ months) | image tagged in charts,bar charts | made w/ Imgflip chart maker
130 views, 2 upvotes
Tornadoes since 1997-2022 (North America) | 1997-1998, 1999-2000, 2001-2002, 2003-2004, 2005-2007, 2008-2010, 2011-2013, 2014-2017, 2018-202 | image tagged in charts,bar charts | made w/ Imgflip chart maker
731 views, 3 upvotes
tornadoes in North America from 1900-1950, 1951-2000, 2001-20222 | 1900-1950, 1951-2000, 2001-2022 | image tagged in charts,bar charts | made w/ Imgflip chart maker
720 views, 3 upvotes

my brain during different things

88 views, 1 upvote

Smallest thing in the Beluga Universe

1,248 views, 8 upvotes, 3 comments
2,168 views, 14 upvotes, 3 comments
65 views, 1 upvote
242 views, 5 upvotes
2,530 views, 28 upvotes, 23 comments
783 views, 6 upvotes


341 views, 5 upvotes, 3 comments