discussion ... what? *gasp* you all, are awesome! carry on.
if i could add a thing or two here ... at the risk of sounding like a "radical anarchist" ...
i grew up on a farm, in a community of farms. we didn't need police. we policed ourselves. we grew and/or harvested from the woods most of what we ate. we didn't have much, but there was always family, food and cheer. unless you didn't contribute, then you didn't get to eat. ;) sometimes i ponder ... if many, smaller types of groups/organizations were set up like that, everywhere ... folks would be housed, be fed, be looked after health-wise and be schooled and such as long as they contributed, and some i believe, would find their happiness going on to doing other things (government service, infrastructure, mass-transportation, military service, scientific research, etc), while others would find their happiness in helping grow/evolve the core groups/organizations of housing/agriculture/health/education. all of this would require a shift in how we all think about individualism versus the collective. personal resources versus shared resources, etc. and i'm talking about sharing, i.e. "mutual aid", as individual local communities see fit to do for themselves, not some over-reaching government entity "taking" and redistributing to a 1-dimensional standard formula that could never meet the needs of vast diversity, even with boundaries of many states. this is of course, all "pie in the sky" type contemplations. i'm curious what y'alls thoughts would be on them.
in my heart, based on my life experiences ... i believe approx 80% of people "get it". that is, they don't need external forces to make them behave appropriately. out of the remaining 20%, approx 80% of those are "on the fence", if you will. that is, they can go either way, depending on their environment. the remaining 20% of that 20% are the true, "bad apples". arguably, the types of folks that be mainly running our governments at the moment. we need to stop elevating folks like that to places of power, and get back to making them hide under rocks, where they belong. just my personal opinion.
well, just some ideas to add to already awesome discussion going on here. cheers!