Article 2 Section 2 clause 2 (odd coincidence) states that "[The President] by and with the ADVICE and consent of the Senate shall appoint Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, Judges of the supreme Court, and all other Officers of the United States, whose Appointments are not herein otherwise provided for". This states that for an appointed nominee to become a judge, officer etc., they not only need consent from the Senate, but the Senate also needs to advise the president on possible nominee. While it says Congress may vest appointments "as they think proper", anyone with common sense can see that making it clear that you are going to deny whoever is appointed before you even know who they are is not proper. Also. they haven't given any advice or ideas on who he could appoint, just said that whoever it is they will vote against him. They are refusing to do their duty to only vest the candidates when it is proper to do so and refusing to advise the President on any possible nominees. Lastly, the constitution says that The President shall appoint Justices. Not whoever's going to be president a year from now, not Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, Hillary Clinton, Jeb Bush, or Bernie Sanders; The current President. Can you please find where the constitution says that the president can't appoint someone because it's their last year?