Dude, this was a LONG f**king time ago. Also, I have plenty more to debate with you when I have time. One big thing I will point out is, you do in fact believe in an imaginary friend. If people say you are selfish, maybe this god you speak of doesn't teach you the best things. Maybe your moms is just polluted to whatever your pastor and parents have spoon fed yu since birth. Obviously if you admit to selfishness (and the way you seem super arrogant) you have least a narcissism problem you may need to look into. But seriously, again why do you bother believing in said imaginary friend given that you think He is just and so good and then go and be an asshole purposefully. This is a huge problem with especially evangelicals and from my experience orthodox jews. Maybe you should actually go though a struggle before you judge others. Whatever happened to Jesus helping the poor? Or the 10 f**king commandments? I guess you forgot those parts...