I would calssify your link as spam,... in that its a liberal theme meme on a thread where conservatives are commenting,.. and really won't connect to,.. or care about a liberal meme. ( as a loose definition I guess) I think leaving those links,... puts the creator of those links at risk where other users will just DV. If the link was on a liberal themed meme,.. it can get more traction and upvoted... makes sense to me. If I post a conservative meme link on a liberal comment thread,... I really can't expect anything but DV's,... don't you think? My thoughts anyway,... if it makes sense? If I do comment on liberal themes,.. and I see no UVs,... I delete all my comments so trolls and haters can't come behind me and DV. I fugure if I respect other comments,... others can respect mine too,... or I adios. Thats has worked for me,... so I keep doing it. Same as trolls,... when it turns nasty,.. I'm gone. I'm not conversing with assclowns.