I too agree with you about able bodied people who shirk their duties & mooch off of others;lets start with Donald Trump,who got 5 military deferments for "bone spurs" while still playing football & slogging through the swamps of his "private Vietnam"which consisted of bedding the women whose husbands,fiancees & brothers HAD gone off to die or be poisoned in Vietnam! Let's also discuss how Donald Trump stole money from working class contractors,employees,tenants,& suppliers for his resorts-all of them small businessmen who had not a fraction of his wealth.Let us further discuss how YOUR taxes are higher because Donald Trump & men like him pay ZERO taxes,& even grab subsidies from the government (like that $150,000 Trump took from the 9/11 fund EVEN though his properties had ZERO structural damage!) Now,when thinking of POS candidates who shouldn't be able to look at themselves in the mirror,Donald Trump Sr.,who finally outdid himself by making a Faustian bargain with Vladimir Putin in which he went full Judas on America comes to mind as being the King of POS Country-& out of a world full of 7 billion people, THAT is impressive! At LAST,Donald Trump is finally BIG at something! Congratulations,Donnie!