As an oldish person who just looked at possibly not being able to work for a decent wage... How the hell are you NOT supposed to save for retirement in case you can't work later? Go on disability & be treated as if you're part of the lazy 47%? I hear so much of that crap from people who are fortunate. So...not having much retirement (when you've worked most of your life) & being unable to save means that you've been lazy by inference and deserve to live with 'just the necessities'? Hell no! Well, we all know an uncle Bob who is the exception because WE KNOW "he's different" and needs disability. I worked my butt off & can't live hardly well on $14,000 per year... AS IF I had not worked hard for decades. Come on! Why do you think the Bern is doing so well? People want a decent chance when the rich greatly profit on our work. So who is really taking the risks? The rich, like 'pink slip' Romney? The Republican Party needs to get smart or we will find more & more what socialism is all about. Talked to people in their 30's or 30's about this issue? I have. They're pissed & they work as hard as we did..,although for a few years I thought they felt entitled. That is my tirade, not personal against XenusianSoldier, who as far as I know is 30 years old himself. I am able to work now but it hurts & I have some medical restrictions. I have 2 doctors who told me to retire ASAP. I have never so much as ever been on unemployment or had $1 in food stamps. My employer would still be glad to get rid of me for $14,000 per year although I should be at about 95% in a couple months.