Lib mentality! The Umpqua Community College shooting in Oct,.. the victims tried to talk and reason and begged for their lives - 9 killed and that many or more injured. The Charleston church shooting had 9 killed - they pleaded, begged, and prayed for the whack job - no difference. There is not a shooting where people do not try and talk and beg and plead... that liberal horsesh*t. The Paris attack,.. same thing. The other liberal mentality is,... well more would have lived if the guy didn't have a gun. (More horsesh*t),... More would have lived in every situation if there was an armed citizen in the vicinity with training.
These liberal led college campuses are the same way - "don't upset the offender,.. don't make it worse on yourself... If you're a victime we'll get you counseling" To hell with that! What these morns don't understand is the crime of raape,.. is not about sex,.. its about power, intimidation and control. Forced Sex is the tool. No words like "I have an STD, AIDS", or soiling their britches will change his motivation,.. except maybe force her into oral crimes. Its unbelievable where some of this logic comes from.