I understand that... I know people in Europe as well don't trust our governments, but I wouldn't say that most of the people don't. I've read some statistics and still, more than half of the people trust the government in the US. But I am well aware that lots of people don't, and people in lots of cases, can change nothing.
About what you've said for Saudi Arabia, it does make sense to a certain degree, but I'd disagree with that, because in my opinion it doesn't correlate with facts. That is a theory, but it doesn't explain my questions. Because, how can you tell me that Iraqi, Libyan, Syrian regime is a greater evil than the Saudi regime? How is Iran a greater evil than Saudi Arabia, or Israel? And simply, what gives the US the right to simply invade a country like that? What would you do if, for example, Russia would invade the US because they would conclude that your government is bad and it should be changed? It isn't imaginable of course, but it is essentially the same as the US invading Iraq and bombing Libya.
So, those things are acts of aggression, and are also war crimes under the international law, If there was any justice on this planet the US government would be trialed for its invasion in Iraq and other stuff. So the US military terror has to stop. And not to mention that actually, as I've said, about the official 'war on terror' story, things don't make sense, because the US supports those terrorists in Libya and Syria and supports No1 terrorist supporter, Saudi Arabia which is also a sharia law dictatorship.
So, to me, a logical conclusion is that the official version of the story told by the US governments and media is a lie, and what is behind is something much more perverted and worse. And you, the american citizens are being manipulated for the interests of your elites, who want to dominate the middle east.