That's a lot of articles my friend. I've been in Denmark, talked to people, the state gives them money to study, that's a fact. But about other stuff, I am aware of that. Scandinavian countries tax their middle class and lower capitalist class a lot, that's a mistake if you ask me. They should tax them less but tax the banks and super rich more. About other stuff I know about suicide rates, they say it's because of the climate. Not sure if it's that, but still, they have good social care programmes. But I wasn't referring to Scandinavia as an example of what we should do, although in some cases they are. I've read about Sweden and talked to people in Sweden, in lot of things about Sweden in the 50ties or 60ties, americans would say they're socialists. Now it's a bit different, but they still have more or less what you could call a social capitalism. I will check the articles you gave me later, I am busy now.
But nevertheless, Scandinavia was not my point. Capitalism should change in general, everywhere. And it's doable, if we just have the guts to do it. To demand change, to make change. And to be change ourselves, as Gandhi would say. If you want to see my point, it would be something alike Syriza in Greece, their program. They are not exactly what I would want, but they would definitely go in my direction. But I'm saying about their programme, not the actual things they did when they were elected.
Here is a simplified version of their programme:
Now, I think taxing people earning over 500 millions with 50% of their income is too much, but something like 20% percent would be what I have in mind. Because that's ridiculously small amount of money for them, while you could make miracles with it. And, morally speaking, I think the state has the right to do it. Because they didn't come from Mars and made that money there, that money is earned in the society, they were formed in the society, they gain big benefits from the society and they should, thus, give more back. And they could still be super rich with those taxes given.
About else, you can check out the Syriza's former minister, Yanis Varoufakis site. He left the government because they betrayed their programme. Here it is: