So you mean what is it about White Liberals? I'm confused about the word Liberal because I alway thought of hippies or this bohemian chick here, free love and lots of drugs most of them just parroting whatever cult leader was currently hot because Lord knows no brain of their own and liberal like little to no government say no to the man don't March his march. Like Vietnam and Jane Fonda burning flags and all that stuff that is disgusting and wrong to me. So wasn't I shocked to find out that everyone thinks I'm a liberal because I vote mostly Democrat. So I can't speak for a full white person but I witnessed so much unbalance, so much injustices, so much of different rules for different people that by the age of 14 I wanted nothing more than to be a civil rights attorney and help make things equal. I had all As from my Jr high and when I told the counselor at my high school what I wanted to be in all seriousness,he laughed me and said I needed to be a little more realistic in my goals lower the bar like 20 notches. I only want fairness, truth, and for words to mean what they actually mean.